Predicting wealth vs all other classes as binary target
Confusion matrix
First model:
Second model:
Analyze and discuss two sets of results
As you can see, there is very little difference between the two models and their accuracy. The first model acheived an accuracy of 0.9621, and the second model had an accuracy of 0.9622. It looks like the removal of the car column increased the amount of true negatives and decreased the amount of false negatives.
Predicting wealth vs all other classes as categorical
Analyze and discuss results with confusion matrix as reference
3 epochs:
10 epochs:
The model had an accuracy of 0.553 with 3 epochs and 0.573 with 10. It looks like weighted the first wealth bracket too heavily, and as a result past that bracket, the model quickly became less accurate. This was using my best model from the first section.
Modify feature columns in attempt to improve accuracy with all 5 categorical wealth classes as target. Analyze and discuss progress and results.
Here is a list of the modifications I made, all run with 3 epochs except for the last modification, and their resulting accuracy, none of which were better than my first model:
Put the car column back in the model, 0.547
Removed the weights column, 0.552
Unbucketed size, 0.542
Crossed the age and education columns, 0.549
Crossed the weights and location columns, 0.552
Crossed the toilet and potable columns, 0.538
Dropped the electric and car columns, 0.547
Kept the electric column in but not as a feature column (10 epochs), 0.569